Easily distracted...
With all the kerfuffle of getting DS off on his holiday cricket trip sorted, I was going to tackle another UFO, specifically red Ottobre jeans for DD2. So I made 2 tote bags naturally. :)
I figured that, for once, I should be nice to DH and clean up after one project before starting another. This meant packing away the half-dozen boxes I'd pulled out in the hunt for white fabric and thus freeing up some space in the rumpus room. As I relocated items, I came across a piece of denim. I don't know why, but this denim just screamed to be a tote bag. A really impractical tote bag, considering the denim is very, very pale, but hey, it's been there so long I can't remember when and why I bought it, or how much it cost. I'm sure in stash rules that makes it free fabric, right?
Lo and behold, there was enough to make 2 bags. No official pattern used - I just used the measurements from an old and decrepit tote bag that has seen many better days.
DD's red jeans-to-be are still sitting all forlornly on the desk waiting their turn. As long as I avoid heading off to play in the stash they should be next. :)
Etymology: alteration of carfuffle, from Scots car- (probably from Scottish Gaelic cearr wrong, awkward) + fuffle to become disheveled. Date: 1946 ...
NOW it's clear!! NOT!! Great, funny word of "my" language!!
Soft hug,
Rhonda in Montreal (PR)
This might make it clearer http://www.google.co.nz/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4ADBF_enNZ309NZ309&q=synonym+kerfuffle
Soft hug,