I'm baaaaaccckkk!

Wow, it has been a looooong time since I blogged! Where has that time gone?! If anyone is still out there - hellloooo! *waves madly* I haven't disappeared, just been busy with life. A few years ago I heard someone describe life as steamrolling over them and I think that's a perfect analogy for the last decade of my life! I might write in more detail eventually, but briefly, since last posting I have started and been working on a PhD, as well as teaching and researching, gained quite a bit of weight, started losing weight again, got a much better haircut, had some family health scares, and had some personal challenges, all of which has made life a bit hectic to say the least. Consequently, apart from the odd bit of mending, I haven't really got near the sewing desk - in fact for a while there it was buried under PhD papers and marking! But just lately I have started doing a bit of sewing again, mainly as a stress relief as I come into the final stretch of my...